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Published on 5th November '12

Last weekend one of the most romantic marriage proposals took place. The guy in question contacted The Proposers about a month ago asking us for  proposal ideas that would be really unique and sweep his girlfriend off her feet as the signs point the way to their love.

Daisy and I went through his consultation form. It was very obvious from the form that a) the guy was a REAL romantic and b) his girlfriend LOVES horses So, the Peak District "Signs point the way to our Love" proposal was created...and here's what happened:

 We sent the couple off to a gorgeous stables in the Peak District for them to go on a one hour trek.  The Proposers's photographer hid behind the scenes and took these fabulous shots. Thanks Tom!

After an hours ride, our guy (who wasn't such an experienced rider) used this excuse to get off the horse and allow his girlfriend to go off for a "proper" ride whilst he chilled out at the stables.

BUT....what he actually did was this (All the signs had messages that meant something to his girlfriend. The Proposers helped design them)

This is the moment before he goes to collect his girlfriend from her ride and takes her on a romantic discover the signs

And this is where it all begins....

And now's it time for the happy couple to celebrate! What he said: "What a weekend!!! EVERYTHING went to plan, it was absolutely perfect! I cant thank you enough for all of your help, Hayley told me it was the best day of her life so for that I am eternally grateful! Thank you again for everything! "

If you're thinking of Proposing and need some propsosal ideas then we are here to help!

Whether you want a proposal idea that incorporates horses, picnics, flash mobs or beach huts we can come up with the perfect proposal idea for you!

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