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Published on 29th September '14

When our client used the words classic, elegant and chic to describe his girlfriend we knew exactly how to create a proposal that would blow her mind.

The proposal took place at the gorgeous Mandarin Oriental hotel in Hyde Park. The room was dressed all in white. With five thousand white rose petals to a beautiful trail of white candles, it was a picturesque romantic paradise...

To add to the stunning room was a harpist setting the tone with some beautiful music.

Alex, (the proposer) also wrote a range of promises to his girlfriend that we hung from a tree.

To finish off the creation of the room we placed a frame wrapped up like a present...

When his girlfriend entered the room she was shocked to see the beautiful scene in front of her and was even more so when Alex got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

Of course the beautiful bride to be said YES!

However, the surprises did not end there. Downstairs in one of the hotels grand event rooms was a surprise, instant engagement party. The couples family and friends had filled the room awaiting the couple...

Look how surprised our bride-to-be was!

Congratulations to the happy couple!

If you would love a proposal tailored to you and your partner just like this one was then simply contact us!

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