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Published on 16th May '16

This year has been very special for us because it is a Leap Year. As custom dictates this means that once every four years a woman can propose to her man without having the social stigma surrounding it. Proposing is a daunting prospect for anyone, let alone for women who are brought up to think that the only day they can propose on is a Leap Year, so we were absolutely thrilled when Kirsten approached us and asked for our help to propose to her boyfriend on Leap Day! Kirsten and her boyfriend, (now fiancé), Paul have been together for almost decade! In that time she'd patiently been waiting for a proposal and when she contacted us, was yet to be asked for her hand in marriage. Last Leap Year she told Paul that if he didn't propose to her by the next Leap Year she'd pop the question instead. So when the next three years came and went she decided she'd done enough waiting so took matters into her own hands. That's when she called us for help.

Her proposal involved a live band serenading her, and her boyfriend Paul, in the centre of Piccadilly Circus, whilst a photomontage of them played on the big screens around them. As the montage came to an end Kirsten got down on one knee and asked Paul to marry her. Of course he said YES!

Congratulations to the happy couple. We wish them all the best in the future! Radio Not only did we organise this exciting proposal on Leap Day, but we also featured in a number of press. Throughout Leap Day our Founder, Daisy, took part in conversations on both BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Radio Manchester to offer her expert opinion on Leap Year proposals.

Online Articles We were also asked to contribute our opinions for a couple of articles. MonsterTravel interviewed us about the most romantic places to propose in Ireland, (which is where the tradition of a Leap Year proposal supposedly stems from), and Wedding Magazine asked us for our tips for proposing in a Q and A. 

If you are thinking about proposing to your boyfriend, but didn't want to do so on a Leap Year. If you would like help with planning your own romantic proposal contact us at We have planned over 1700 proposals  with a 100% YES success rate so you are in safe hands with us! Visit for more information.

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