Published on 28th September '15

Colin came to us for help with proposing to his girlfriend Rebecca. The couple live close to Birmingham, and he knew that he wanted to pop the question at the beautiful Library of Birmingham... we can see why! The incredible Library of Birmingham Our proposal planner Soma took the train up to Birmingham after a long day at the office to prepare everything for the proposal, armed with a huge banner and a lovely bunch of flowers. Joined by the fantastic staff from the library that helped us set everything up and our amazing singer, they awaited the couple's arrival.

Our super talented singer Colin had told Rebecca that they were going to pop into the city after work to return a book to the library and then go out for dinner. When they arrived at the library, Colin led Rebecca through to the terrace on one of the top floors, and she was so surprised by what they found!

So romantic! Our incredibly talented singer was serenading her with their song: "She's the One" by Robbie Williams, with the amazing backdrop of the city in the background. Not only that, but behind the singer there was a huge banner with 'Rebecca Trueman, you're the one for me...' What a romantic atmosphere! Colin got down on one knee and presented her with the most amazing engagement ring... and she was so happy! The two couldn't stop smiling and kissing after she said a huge yes.

Popping the question Colin then led Rebecca towards the singer and Soma, who presented her with the stunning bouquet of flowers, and Rebecca couldn't believe that all of it was just for her! They couldn't stop giggling and looking at each other the whole time, even when they were walking away to go out for a lovely romantic dinner.

The stunning ring We wish them all the best!

We are the UK and Europe’s leading Romantic Event and Proposal Planners. We have planned over 1,700 marriage proposals all across the world, all with a 100% yes rate! If you have been inspired and would like our help to plan your own personalised proposal, then get in touch at or check out our website for more information Take a closer look at our Proposals to allow us to create that once-in-a-lifetime experience for you and your soon to be finance.